Download Ebook , by Brian D. Meeks
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, by Brian D. Meeks

Download Ebook , by Brian D. Meeks
Kommen Sie folgen uns jeden Tag zu erkennen, genau das, was Bücher jeden Tag aktualisiert. Wissen Sie, die Bücher, die wir Tag für Tag liefern wird sicherlich aktualisiert werden. Und auch zur Zeit, wir stellen Ihnen das neue Buch, das Bezug sein kann. Sie könnten wählen Sie , By Brian D. Meeks als das Buch zur Zeit zu lesen. Warum sollte dieses Buch sein? Dies ist eines der aktuellen Buchsammlungen in dieser Website zu aktualisieren. Leitfaden wird auch als Folge der starken Faktoren empfohlen, die viele Menschen machen gerne als Analysematerial verwenden.
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Diese Veröffentlichung Liebend bedeutet, dass Ihr Hobby lieben. sicherlich top Leben Top-Qualität bedeuten wird seine viel besser, dieses Buch zu lesen. Besser in al Punkt konnte nicht einfach ausgedrückt Zeit erreicht werden. Doch wird diese Publikation sicherlich helfen Sie immer die Güte zu verbessern sowie Geist weit besseres Leben. Wenn die , By Brian D. Meeks Lokalisieren herunterladen, können Sie dies nicht vernachlässigen. Sie müssen es zur Zeit bekommen und es schneller zu überprüfen. Früher Sie dieses Buch lesen, schneller werden Sie viel mehr Erfolg der letzten Zeit sein! Das ist Ihre Auswahl und auch wir denken ständig darüber nach!

Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 1101 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 226 Seiten
ISBN-Quelle für Seitenzahl: 1942810172
Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten: Keine Einschränkung
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus):
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#384.462 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
This book will teach you stuff, like how to build short catch punch lines.. I feel as if I know a bit more than I did yesterday.. I will try to put all this fabulous new knowledge in the service of good...means me making money
Do you want to hook readers?Copywriting is hard.The author wants to help. He wants to give you tools to upgrade your skills.This book contained some useful information. It offered some inspiring anecdotes and reiterated the important idea that authors need to embrace math.Yet, compared to the previous book, this was underwhelming. Especially for the price.Around 500 words of the short guide had an unabashed sales pitch given for readers, who are encouraged to copy/paste and share it.A rough guess is that at least 40% of the book is blurbs from other authors.It is true that examples can help reinforce knowledge.A supplemental study guide could just as easily add value- and more money for the author... without so clearly showing that one can make plenty of money as an author of books... that are mostly critiques of others' works. Works which form a substantial portion of the guide.In the first book, data abounded. There was a lot of great information. I like the author's wit and general knowledge, but it seems he became successful and is now phoning it all in.On another note, in the section on not listening to the noise, the author mentions price...I can agree with the obvious statement that authors probably can't make money selling all of their books at 99 cents.Nonetheless, coffee prices at 5 dollars is quite different than a book. The TIME it takes to read a book requires considerably more of an investment. Not to mention the more intangible factors like trust.You drink a cup of coffee for a quick buzz.You read a book to be informed or entertained. Or maybe for social advancement.Ten hours to read a 300-page book... even at minimum wage, that could be $100. You could watch five movies in that time. 60+ cheesy webinars. Some authors could WRITE A BOOK in ten hours.Price is important. It'd be great if all readers paid whatever the author wanted solely because they wanted fervently to support the arts.But, alas, people buy books for the same reasons they buy everything else: they discovered real or potential value.In summation, the knowledge imparted is worthwhile. It can be hard to get to- it's buried under layers of snark, unrelated personal anecdotes, and other extraneous information. The stories are inspirational at times, the wit is funny, and the numerous examples may reinforce the central ideas. So, this may just be a case where the pedagogical methodology didn't work as well for this one student.The book basically said that you need to hook readers, write short, impactful sentences, and leave potential buyers wanting more information.For 10 bucks, the author could do better.I know he could do better, because I've read his other books.
Having read Brian's book Mastering Amazon Ads twice, and having found it very helpful for improving the sales of my books, I was looking forward to this new title.I gibbed a bit at the price, but knowing Brian's penchant for setting his prices high so that we appreciate we're getting good value, I eventually succumbed and bought a Kindle copy. And other people seemed to be raving over it.Hmm.This book does have some helpful things to say about copywriting, and gives more examples than you could wish for of bad and not so bad blurbs, which Brian then revamps and turns into much better (and occasionally vastly better) book descriptions.Curiously, some of Brian's 'improved' versions of the blurbs don't grab me at all, as a reader. But each to his own, I guess.It was interesting to check the Amazon pages for many of the books and see which ones had taken up Brian's new versions. Some did, some didn't (surprising!) and at least one had provided a much improved version of both their own original and Brian's version.Scattered between all the chapters containing examples of bad to good blurbs are some rather random chapters, a few of which seemed to have strayed out of another book altogether.Some are rehashes of the previous book. Some of them are just chapters encouraging authors to persevere. (Fair enough.) Some of them appear to have been written at 2 am in the morning when Brian was suffering from jet lag. (The book teaches you about Snark too.)Anyway, I take away from this book:HOOKS - thou must start with a hook. Yup, best idea.WHITE SPACE - and plenty of it.DON'T TELL THE STORY - entice with hints, questions, allusions, etc.WRITE CLEARLY - it's amazing how many of the examples verge on the incomprehensible.ALWAYS, ALWAYS, AT THE END, TELL THE READER TO BUY IT NOW.TEST WHETHER THE NEW BLURB IMPROVES YOUR SALES.How you write the blurb is pretty much up to you, and the best experience you can get is by joining either or both of Brian's Facebook groups. You'll get plenty of opportunities to work on blurbs that need lots of TLC there.
...Now I'm positive that I can get good at this.Do you struggle with writing your Amazon book descriptions? If you said 'no' excuse me if I don't believe you, but I dont. Everybody struggles with a good hook, or how much to reveal in a description.Brian Meeks has written a book with more practical information about writing book descriptions than I have ever read.Cram-packed with tons of examples, Mr. Meeks has taken the mystery out of what makes a reader decide to purchase your book. There are examples from many different genres, and also improvements made on descriptions that were already pretty good.Everyone can improve their book descriptions......even you. But will you?You'll love this practical, snarky guide to copywriting because everyone likes to learn from a wiseguy.Get it now
It's goodBut not greatEspecially for the priceI was hoping form more information and statistics on why it worked and that it does work. For a data guy, there's very little data demonstrating any sort of causation between his description format and the old ones.It has tons of examples. Most of the book, in seems.Mostly fiction.1 non-fiction.After all the hype, I was underwhelmed. However, I'm taking his suggestions on board, and if my sales jump, I'll be adding a star or two.
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